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Brian Eats a Corndog
Brian Berkelbach

Gravel enthusiast and Senior Director of Accounting

Family Snowshoeing Adventures in Park City, UT

I have been feeling a bit childish lately. My friends and family like to remind me of my impressive gray hair-production capabilities, but as the father of two young sons (3½ -year-old John and 9-month-old Charlie) I cannot help but think their youthful energy has rubbed off on me a bit. I never thought I would have this much fun re-watching old Disney movies, playing with Lego bricks, and building forts…

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An Endless Gravel Summer

My favorite movie growing up was The Endless Summer , which was directed, produced, narrated, and filmed by Bruce Brown in 1966. The film follows two California-based surfers, Robert August and Mike Hynson, on a 4-month journey around the world in their pursuit of “the perfect wave.” After traveling to Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Hawaii, and other world-class surfing destinations, they found it where they least expected—in the small South African town of Cape St. Francis, approximately 400 miles east of Cape Town. “What every surfer dreams of finding is a small wave with perfect shape. What we call a perfect wave,” Brown exclaimed. “The odds against finding one are 10 million to one . . . The waves look like they had been made by some kind of machine. The rides were so long I couldn’t get most of them on one piece of film. On some of the rides, I timed them in the curl for 45 seconds!”…

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