Destination Stewardship, Park City Utah
A legacy we share—people who visit Park City are drawn to the beauty of the land, creative culture of our vibrant community, and sustainable values woven into the fabric of our town. Affordable housing, early childhood education, and transportation are just some of the projects we're working on to make Park City one of the best places to visit, live, and own and operate a business!
Six Steps to a Sustainable Park City
Keeping Park City a pristine place to visit and live requires all of us. So, please join in and enjoy the natural beauty of Park City and help preserve what makes the community we all love so very special. Taking these actions and more are what we call being Mountainkind—a way to be in Park City—allowing us to preserve and protect our town for generations to come!
1. Park The Car
Take advantage of our world-class bike paths and free and convenient public transit!
2. Reusable vs. Single-Use
Reducing waste where we live becomes part of our daily routine. Using reusable items like canvas bags and water bottles helps preserve and protect our town. Here’s everything you need know.
3. Buy Local
To make progress on the goals of net-zero carbon and zero waste, Park City’s Sustainability departments have collaborated with Recycle Utah, Utah Clean Energy, and the Park City Chamber & Visitor’s Bureau to bring new resources and recognition for businesses.
4. Embrace our Heritage
From a rich Ute and Shoshone history and origins as a mining town to its Olympic legacy, explore Park City’s history and local heritage sites and discover how you can help safeguard our stories for future generations.
5. Leave No Trace
Leave no trace and help preserve our trails for future generations as you enjoy fewer people on the trail.
6. Respect for Animals
In Park City, we act with respect. That includes living in harmony with nearby wildlife.
Stewardship In Park City
Arts and Culture: Critical to a Thriving Community and Economy
The Arts Council of Park City & Summit County has been blazing artistic trails and…
Q & A with Anna Robertson at The Cool Down
Whether you’re visiting Park City for a day, staying for a week, or living, it’s vital…
4 Ways to Plan a Sustainable Ski Vacation in Park City, Utah
It’s not a buzzword, it’s a movement. Sustainability is here to stay, and why not?…
Tips to Avoid Spring Trail Damage
Ruts Suck! Mud is Murder! These are common phrases you see splashed across social media each…
Preservation For Future Generations: Summit Land Conservancy
Park City is home to two world-class ski resorts, Park City Mountain and Deer Valley, with…
Recycle Utah: Empowering People to Lead Sustainable Lives
A symphony of broken glass echoes through prospector square as a line of cars forms nearby…