Planning to meet green in Park City, UT? Not sure how to navigate the sustainable-event measurement process? We’ve got you covered. Check out some of the new tools available to help planners reduce the carbon footprint of their meetings and events.
Park City’s Story & Standards of Sustainability
Park City has made some of the most ambitious climate goals in North America and is on track to be net-zero carbon and run on 100% renewable electricity for city operations by 2022, and for the whole community by 2030. As a known green meeting destination, Park City has a long history of environmental responsibility and sustainability—and with Summit County, continues to be committed to destination stewardship. With this, the Sustainable Tourism Plan was developed as a collaborative, holistic and resourceful guide to balanced and sustainable tourism development.
Make Your Events a Vision in Green
Ensuring events and programs reflect the stewardship principles and are created with sustainable tourism goals will not only amplify Park City’s reputation as a sustainable destination but can help planners to understand the impact of various event elements, as well as the offsetting measures needed to achieve carbon neutrality. But, why is this important?
Trending Now (And for the Foreseeable Future)
Net zero carbon initiatives have generated much attention in the business travel world, especially in meeting destinations like Park City. The carbon footprint of an event has become an important factor in an organization’s overall footprint, so making it easy for meeting planners to calculate these metrics is crucial to helping them plan sustainable events moving forward.³
Overcoming Obstacles Plan Proactively
According to the First Look Research: The Slow Progress of Sustainability in Meetings report, few meeting planners calculate their carbon footprint—even the ones that have a sustainability plan. Some may see it as a challenge because measuring carbon emissions or economic impact requires more complicated metrics and likely outside expertise, or the sustainability policies budget is slim to non and must be cost-saving or cost-neutral.¹
Luckily, numerous carbon calculator platforms aimed at event planners have been launched in the last year—making the process simple and approachable for any event organizer.
Here are some of the helpful tools to track your sustainability goals:
Net0 and Sustain Life are the most popular mainstream software tools for calculating and creating GHG emissions reports for events.
Use Net0's calculator to answer a few brief questions about your event and receive a breakdown of your CO2 emissions report immediately after filling them out.⁹
With Sustain Life, you’ll add simple data—location, venue size, number of attendees—and get your event-related emissions in minutes.⁸
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol offers numerous calculation tools that are free and available in easy-to-use Excel-based templates.¹⁰
TRACE is a carbon measurement platform that captures emission and waste data from live, hybrid, and digital events—generating impact reports in real-time.³
Proseed is a free, accessible and practical resource with templated guidance and direct actions planners can take to deliver sustainable events.⁶
Advito and BCD Meetings & Events’ (BCD M&E) developed a new ISO-certified emissions calculator in response to organizations’ needs to factor sustainability into event strategies and for meeting planners to reduce the overall environmental impact of their program.²
ICAO Green Meetings Calculator (IGMC) provides an easy-to-use interface that can support decision-making to select venues for meetings with the minimal carbon footprint from air travel.⁷
SAM is a free event sustainability carbon measurement tool that it can be fully integrated with other platforms and technology.⁶
Plan Green With Park City’s Guide to Sustainable Meetings & Events
On track to be net-zero carbon and run on 100% renewable energy by 2030, Park City is on the right trail to be a premier sustainable destination. Our Guide to Sustainable Meetings & Events is full of tips, tools and resources to assist planners in implementing sustainable practices in their meetings or events.
Experience Meetings in a Premier Sustainable Destination
Learn more about reducing your group’s carbon footprint during your next meeting or event in Park City.
¹ First Look Research: The Slow Progress of Sustainability in Meetings
² Here's a new carbon calculator for meeting planners
³ New Tools Measure and Report Event Emissions and Waste
⁴ Park City: A Municipality Leading Sustainability
⁵ Sustainable Tourism Plan Park City 2022 PDF
⁶ How to Plan a Sustainable Event Strategy
⁷ ICAO Green Meetings Calculator (IGMC) User Guide
⁸ Carbon Neutral Event Software | Sustain.Life
⁹ Events Industry Carbon Neutrality | Net0
¹⁰ Calculation Tools | Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocols